Mars Research Group

Mars Research is a systems research group at University of Utah. Primarily we work in the areas of operating systems and security.


Atmostphere verified operating system: atmo

Redleaf operating system: redleaf

Safe Persistent Memory Systems in Rust: rustpm

Fine-grained isolation for the Linux kernel: kernel-isolation

Redleaf operating system: redleaf

High-performance hash table: DRAMHiT


Anton Burtsev (Faculty, lead)

Vikram Narayanan (PhD, 2023 expected)

Zhaofeng Li (PhD, 2025 expected)

Xiandong Chen (PhD, 2026 expected)


Dan Appel (BS 2021, now at Apple)

Tianjiao Huang (MS 2022)

Michael Lusher (BS 2021, now at Splunk)

Daman M Kumar (MS 2020, now at Amazon)

Vincent Whizin (BS, 2022)

Ed Younis (BS 2018, now at Berkeley Lab)

Connor Zwick (BS, 2022)

Tirth Jain (Summer Intern, 2022)

David Detweiler (BS 2023, now at Atlassian)
