University of Utah
Kahlert School of Computing
50 S Central Campus Dr (Room 3424)
Salt Lake City, Utah 84112
E-mail: anton.burtsev (at) utah (dot) edu

I am an Assistant Professor at the Kahlert School of Computing, University of Utah. I design, and build novel operating systems. My research work is aimed at re-defining the architecture of a commodity kernels to reflect the evolving needs of modern systems in the age of targeted security attacks, data center scale workloads, and heterogeneous hardware.

I run Mars Research Group. We are always building new operatings systems. Right now:

My work builds a foundation for secure computing environments through two main lines of research:

Trying to address performance challenges related to the newest generation of hardware and specifically a memory wall, i.e., the mismatch between the CPU speed and the latency of access to data in memory, my team recently detoured into the area of supporting high-performance big-data workloads which resulted in the development of, arguably, the fastest (at the moment of publishing in 2023) hash table, DRAMHiT.

You’re always welcome to join MARS reading group.

Prospective students: I am looking for students interested in operating systems at all levels from undergraduate to PhD, if you have relevant skills (take a look at our repos to see what we normally do) send me an email.