A surge in the number, complexity, and automation of targeted security attacks has triggered a wave of interest in hardware support for isolation. Memory Protection Keys (MPK), Extended Page-Table (EPT) switching with VM functions (VMFUNC), ARM Memory Tagging Extensions (MTE), and pointer authentication (PAC), and even Morello CHERI capabilities that are deployed in recent CPUs provide support for memory isolation with overheads gradually approaching the overhead of a function call. Hence these new mechanisms bring a promise of practical isolation of small untrusted extensions and third-party code that require frequent communication with the rest of the system.

Unfortunately, we argue, that while a huge step forward, modern isolation mechanisms still lack multiple conceptual features that limit their practicality. ARM PAC and ARM MTE are inherently limited by the overhead of additional instructions that are needed to enforce the isolation of heaps. Intel MPK suffers from the inability to reflect the passing of zero-copied memory regions across all cores of the system, which results in either a restrictive programming model (the buffers passed on one core cannot be accessed from other cores) or expensive cross-core synchronization similar to TLB shootdown. Tag-based schemes like MPK and MTE suffer from the limitation on the number of isolated subsystems. Additionally, MTE suffers from the overhead of retagging which in our experiments is only marginally faster than copying. Capability schemes like CHERI are inherently limited by the lack of centralized metadata that is required for implementing revocation of rights and “move” semantics, i.e., ensuring that the caller loses access to the objects on the heap that are passed to the callee. Hardware architectures that keep access rights in registers, e.g., Intel MPK and CHERI, are facing another inherent limitation: it is impossible to perform revocation of rights across the cores (active capabilities can be retained in registers of other cores).

Our current work (which is a collaboration with the Utah Arch group) is aimed at identifying a set of principles and mechanisms that are critical for the design of practical, low-overhead isolation mechanisms with support for efficient zero-copy communication. Specifically, our initial research argues that hardware should support: software transparency (an idea that architectural mechanisms should avoid relying on expensive compiler instrumentation which becomes prohibitive in modern systems), core-coherent synchronization of rights, and revocation.

We plan to explore the possibility of implementing these principles in hardware as a collection of isolation mechanisms aimed at fine-grained, low-overhead isolation.


Xiangdong Chen, Zhaofeng Li, Tirth Jain, Vikram Narayanan, Anton Burtsev. Limitations and Opportunities of Modern Hardware Isolation Mechanisms. In Proceedings of the 2024 USENIX Annual Technical Conference (USENIX ATC), July 2024.